5 easy ways to KEEP CALM.
Hello guys! This is my first blog post of the year - and yah I started late because I do not particularly fancy the "New Year Hype" and wanted things to rather settle down first.
This is neither a New Year’s resolution nor a looking back to the previous year post. However, I do believe I am quite an optimistic and calm person and that made me want to share some tips which I feel helps in staying positive:
Showing gratitude: This one is a very well-known yet easy-to-forget activity of the day. You can either start your day by counting on the things you are grateful for in your life, or at night just before sleeping. This definitely helps in keeping a positive mindset and feeling blissful. You can perform this activity in a variety of ways - by saying it loud or whispering it to your self, writing it down in your diary/blog/a piece of paper/phone, while praying or even while meditating or in the shower.
Setting goals: No, I am not talking about New Year resolutions. Set short-term goals, for example for the day or for the week and tick them off as you finish them. Long-term goals are important too – they help you to look at the bigger picture and trace your progress over a period of time. However setting short-term goals and completing them lets you focus on things more precisely and you do feel encouraged and boosted when you accomplish them.
Stop waiting for Mondays or Fridays: Most of us are so bogged down by our daily activities, that we often tend to delay things and push them to a certain day which we think would be suitable. Stop waiting for Mondays or the first of the next month to start working out, go out on a Wednesday if you want- it’s okay if it’s not a Friday. Start that food blog you always wanted to, don’t wait for the DSLR camera- your mobile camera might be fine and so on. Every single day counts!
Accept yourself for what you are: For a long time, I hated certain attributes of myself and would always be conscious about it. But as they say “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself” – it is truly when you accept yourself and love the uniqueness of being ‘you’ that you will be the most beautiful. Remember – No one is you and that is your super power!
Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey: Lastly, most of us I feel have this habit of associating happiness with accomplishing/attaining something big. But happiness is merely a feeling and not something materialistic. Instead of thinking “Oh, I am yet to achieve this, I am not happy”, we should try finding happiness in small things. Devote 10 to 30 minutes into something which you utterly love every day - be it writing something, making your own cup of tea, riding a bicycle or dancing.

That’s all for this one! These are merely some quick points I try to practice in my life to remain optimistic and strong. You can customize them according to your preferences or add some more which I might have missed out. I hope I was at least successful in making you realize how easy it is to be positive. Till the next time, as I always say “Keep it stylish but most importantly, keep it YOU” Much love, Benaaz :*
Photography by " Sonal Chawla Follow me on my Instagram for more updates :)