Do it yourself!
This post is about something I absolutely love and is obsessed with: stationery and DIY's!!!
So let's begin. I was very happy when I saw the room I will be living in my new house in Mumbai- it was small yet cozy with big windows, a mirror and to my delight, it was entirely white! Deciding to let my creative juices flow, here's an account of the DIY's I made which were utterly simple yet served my purpose of decorating the room in colours. If you too want to do some easy decorations with your room, this one's perfect for you.

The glossy boxes.
All of us (almost) have ordered dozens of stuff from Amazon/Flipkart and are drowned by the small cardboard boxes that they deliver in (yes, Amazon delivers even a Kajal stick in a box!). Now, here's an easy DIY to finally utilize these boxes and decorate your room, plus it also serves as a great way to store/organize your little stuff. Things you will need: A pair of scissors
Transparent tape Glossy Paper Water colour Cardboard boxes (any size)

Step 1: Open up the flaps of the cardboard boxes to increase their sizes and paint the inner side panels (as shown in the image below) so that the original brown colour of the box is hidden. Use a dark colour to paint to get the maximum impact.

Step 2: Wrap the entire box with glossy gift papers (you can use any paper/prints of your choice) and seal it with a transparent tape firmly.

Step 3: Fill in these boxes with your 'little things". Since I made three boxes, I filled mine with stationery, cosmetics and random stuff in each. Lastly, place them over your wall corner and ta-da! You are done. I put some fairy lights over it for that 'extra' effect :D

The printed glass.
The next one is pretty simple, especially for people like me who loves pictures and are obsessed with Pinterest.
Things you will need: A pair of scissors
Glue stick Printed images/picture cut-outs A glass/space you want to decorate. Step 1: Select a couple of your favourite pictures and get them printed in any size you want (I got four of them printed in an A-4 size paper, so you can guess the size). You can also cut out pictures you like from magazines.

Step 2: Simply paste all the pictures randomly without any pattern on the glass, covering it completely! Ta-da, done. If you don't have a glass that you want to cover up, just paste it on a wall or your almarih.

That's all for this post! I hope you like it and would try atleast one of them! And if you liked my collection of those printed pictures, follow my boards on Pinterest for more. Till the next time, keep it trendy but keep it "YOU" :)