"I am feeling FAT."
The other day, one of my friend texted me "I am feeling FAT." When I took a minute to respond, she texted again, "I am feeling FAT. I am FAT. So FAT." I didn't know what to say. I just responded by saying "I understand but don't get depressed now. Resume your Zumba classes from tomorrow." This got me into thinking. I am a plump girl myself and have been one since my school days. Do I eat a lot? No. Do I sleep a lot? No. In fact I eat less than so many skinny girls around me. But I am FAT. While some days you are ok with it and feel happy to dress to your body type, most days you feel depressed. It's not about someone pointing out that you are fat (of course people do that too) but generally also, when a dress looks extraordinarily pretty on a model on the ramp but on you, it just highlights your round belly!

Being in the fashion industry myself, I now have a better understanding of the reality of this side of the world. The fashion industry loves skinny girls because their clothes look awesome on them. But you know what? These models starve to lose a few more inches too before a fashion show. Of course it is their occupation and thus the struggle seems justified. But why then we, whose occupation is not to impress people with our bodies are made to feel bad? I am not paid for a thin body, rather I am paid for the job I do whether it be writing, designing, banking or selling. Plus hello, all the pictures in those glossy magazines are photoshoped! Dealing with depression because you are not a certain body type is definitely a grave issue which we all tend to somehow overlook. Be it be boys or girls, we are made to fell 'inferior' because we are fat. For some of us, we are prone to gain weight because of our genes, while some of us might suffer from diseases like thyroid or PCOS, while some of us like to eat. But whatever the reason might be, being fat is not a bad quality or a crime! We have to understand this and set our priorities right. Feeling FAT? Yes. Want to do something about it? Yes. Go ahead- plan your diet and a work out routine. Be responsible for your life! But if you are fat and that's okay for you, it should be okay for the world too. You have every right to stick to your body size. Don't let anyone shame you, you are much more than what you see in the mirror. The point is- being FAT is sometimes not in our control and even if it is, it's okay. You are not a murderer. It's totally your choice weather you want to shed off those kilos or not (if it's not fatal, then of course it's a different story).

We all plump girls will have days where we hate ourselves because we are fat, but stop crying if it bothers so much. Fight against it, fight for yourself and not for anyone else. Remember, your occupation is not to impress people by your body, rather it is to remain happy with yourself and your life. Buck up girls, embrace yourselves :)